请注意:本页内容发布于 4606 天前,内容可能已经过时,请注意甄别。
1. 需要先行添加System.Web的引用,如果找不到这个引用,检查目标Framework是不是用了Client Profile。
2. 最后一次将%253D替换为%3D用于将二次编码的「=」符号(编码后为%3D,二次编码后为%253D)替换回一次编码。理论上按照RFC 5849和饭否自己的文档,GET方法的QueryString应当经过一次URL Encode,然后在生成Base String然后签名的时候被二次编码,但饭否的API如果在Base String中检测到%253D时,将会返回Invalid Signature错误,并且给出认可的Base String中「=」显示为%3D,不知道是不是部署时出现的问题。
Private Function doURLEncode(ByVal s As String) As String 'URLEncode function with corrections for OAuth Basestr making s = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(s).Replace("+", "%20") 'Make the lowercased percent-encoded codes into uppercase s = RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(s, "(%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])", Function(c) c.Value.ToUpper) 'Encode the chars RFC requested to encode but the HTTPUtility.URLEncode didn't s = s.Replace("(", "%28").Replace(")", "%29").Replace("$", "%24").Replace("!", "%21").Replace("*", "%2A").Replace("'", "%27") 'Decode the char [~] RFC requested NOT to encode but HTTPUtility.URLEncode did s = s.Replace("%7E", "~") 'Both the RFC and API document did not say [=] is a special character, but the API won't accept %253D. s = s.Replace("%253D", "%3D") Return s End Function
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