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Once again, airplane manufacturers have been giving serious consideration to offering Internet access in the skies. Back in 1994, Boeing considered equipping each seat with a serial modem. Laptop users could hook up to the modem and dial out. (Dial-up was the primary means of connecting to the Internet back in those days.)
再一次,飞机制造商们认真考虑了在空中提供 Internet 连接的可能性。1994 年的时候,波音公司曾考虑给每个座位提供一台串口调制解调器,乘客可以把自己的笔记本连上去拨号(访问互联网)。(那时候拨号是主要的访问 Internet 的方式。)
We chuckled at the though of attaching the serial cable and getting a Plug-and-Play pop-up message:
New device detected: Boeing 747(发现新设备:波音747)
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