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Not everything related to the Windows 95 launch went well. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that a local CompUSA store found that their cash registers crashed at midnight, forcing eager customers to wait ninety minutes before the problem could be resolved. The cause: A bug in the cash register software which had lain undiscovered because the store had never stayed open past midnight before!
并不是所有与 Windows 95 发布的事情都进展顺利。据《圣路易斯邮报》所载,当地的一家 CompUSA 门店发现他们的收款机在午夜时分崩溃了,硬是让急不可耐的顾客们等了一个半小时才把问题解决。至于原因,则是因为收款机软件中的一个未被发现的bug,因为这家门店从来没有在午夜之后营业过,所以也就从来没有被发现!
And there was the the launch of Mindows 95 in Hong Kong.
Not one to sit by and miss out on all the attention, Apple responded with its absolutely brilliant counter-advertisement.
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