TONT 36673 保持错误代码向下兼容的重要性

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I remember a bug report that came on in an old MS-DOS program (from a company that is still in business so don’t ask me to identify them) that attempted to open the file “”. That’s the file with no name.

我记得有一个bug报告,是关于一个老旧的 MS-DOS 程序(开发这个程序的公司目前仍在存续中,所以不要问我具体是哪家公司)尝试打开文件“”,也就是一个没有名字的文件。

This returned error 2 (file not found). But the program didn’t check the error code and though that 2 was the file handle. It then began writing data to handle 2, which ended up going to the screen because handle 2 is the standard error handle, which by default goes to the screen.


It so happened that this program wanted to print the message to the screen anyway.


In other words, this program worked completely by accident.


Due to various changes to the installable file system in Windows 95, the error code for attempting to open the null file changed from 2 (file not found) to 3 (path not found) as a side-effect.
Watch what happens.

在 Windows 95 可以安装在其上的文件系统设计的几次变动中,其中一个副作用是:尝试打开一个不存在的文件回报的错误代码从2(文件不存在)变成了3(找不到路径)。现在来看看会发生什么事。

The program tries to open the file “”. Now it gets error 3 back. It mistakenly treats the 3 as a file handle and writes to it.


What is handle 3?


The standard MS-DOS file handles are as follows:

标准的 MS-DOS 文件句柄如下所示:

句柄 名称 含义
0 stdin 标准输入设备
1 stdout 标准输出设备
2 stderr 标准错误输出
3 stdaux 标准辅助设备(串口)
4 stdprn 标准打印机

What happens when the program writes to handle 3?


It tries to write to the serial port.


Most computers don’t have anything hooked up to the serial port. The write hangs.


Result: Dead program.


The file system folks had to tweak their parameter validation so they returned error 2 in this case.



  1. 讲道理我到现在都没有想清楚串口的另一边会有什么,除了听说过它可以用来硬件调试。


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