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During the run-up to Windows XP Service Pack 2 Beta in December of last year, there was a list of five bugs that the release management team decided were so critical that they were going to slip the beta until those bugs got fixed.
在去年(译注:2003年)12月Windows XP Service Pack 2 Beta版(译注:原文链接已失效)的测试过程中,有一个有5个bug的列表,这个列表里的bug让发行管理组认为极其关键,以至于为此推迟了beta版的发布,直到这些bug修复好了为止。
The third bug on the list: Deer Hunter 4 won’t run.
列表上的第3个bug是:Deer Hunter 4(译注:原文链接已失效)无法运行。
Deer Hunter has the power to stop a beta.
Deer Hunter有阻止beta进程的力量。
(译注:真实原因是这个游戏的防拷机制在XP SP2下无法运行,可前往原文评论区查看,原文如下:
asdf June 4, 2004 at 7:10 am
Don’t keep me in suspense. Why didn’t deer hunter run?
Raymond Chen June 4, 2004 at 7:18 am
Its copy protection was crashing.)
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