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Backwards compatibility applies not only to software. It also applies to hardware. And when hardware goes bad, the software usually takes the blame.
The HLT instruction tells the CPU to shut itself down until the next hardware interrupt. This is a big win on laptops since it reduces power consumption and thereby saves your lap from third-degree burns.
We (well, specifically, Jeff) had this implemented and working in Windows 95 but discovered to our dismay that there were many laptops (some from a major manufacturer) which would lock up unrecoverably if you issued a HLT instruction.
我们(更确切地说,是Jeff)将这个功能植入了Windows 95,但随后却垂头丧气地发现,当HLT指令下达时,有好多的笔记本(有些还是大牌子)就进入了无法恢复的死锁状态。
So we had to back it out.
Then the aftermarket HLT programs came out and people wrote, “Stupid Microsoft. Why did they leave this feature out of Windows.” I had to sit quietly while people accused Microsoft of being stupid and/or lazy and/or selfish.
But now the statute of limitations has expired so at least I can say something (though I’m still not going to name that major manufacturer, nice try).
My favorite bad hardware, though, was a system which would crash if the video card was put in an expansion slot too far away from the power supply. Manufacturers will do anything to save a nickel.
And yet Windows 95 ran on almost all of this bad hardware. Why did we go to all this effort to accomodate bad hardware? Consider:
然而Windows 95还是得在这些残次品硬件上运行,为什么我们要下大力气容忍这些硬件呢?考虑一下这些问题:
- You have a computer that works okay. 你有一台电脑。原本工作的好好的。
- You go to the store and buy Windows 95. 你去商店里买了一份Windows 95。
- You take it home and install it. 你把Windows 95拿回家装在自己的机器上。
- Your computer crashes. 机器崩了。
Whom do you blame? Hint: Not your computer manufacturer.
I have more hardware stories, but I have a meeting soon so I’ll have to stop here for today.