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In the original release of Windows 95, you could change your time zone by clicking on the map, and the time zone you selected would highlight. Similarly, you could change your Region Settings by clicking on the world map. This was one of those little touches that made Windows 95 that much more fun to use.
在Windows 95原先发布的版本(译注:测试版)中,用户可以通过点击地图(译注:Windows 95的『时间/地区设置』中有一张世界地图,见本文题图,该图片不在原文中,图片来源)上的地域来设置时区,而选中的时区也会高亮显示。类似地,在『地区设置』中也可以通过点击世界地图来设置你的所在地区(译注:见下图,该图片不在原文中,图片来源)。这些原本都是令Windows 95用起来更有趣味的小修饰之一。
But we had to remove those features within months of release, even though we based both of the maps on the borders officially recognized by the United Nations.
In early 1995, a border war broke out between Peru and Ecuador and the Peruvian government complained to Microso;ft that the border was incorrectly placed. Of course, if we complied and moved the border northward, we’d get an equally angry letter from the Ecuadorian government demanding that we move it back. So we removed the feature altogether.
1995年早些时候,一场边境『战争』在秘鲁和厄瓜多尔之间爆发,秘鲁政府向微软申诉(Windows 95上述功能的地图中)边界标示是错误的。当然了,如果我们真听了(秘鲁政府的)并把(地区的高亮边界)向北移,可想而知厄瓜多尔政府也会愤怒地致函要我们把边界标回去。所以,我们干脆把整个功能移除了。
The time zone map met a similar fate. The Indian government threatened to ban all Microsoft software from the country because we assigned a disputed region to Pakistan in the time zone map. (Any map that depicts an unfavorable border must bear a government stamp warning the end-user that the borders are incorrect. You can’t stamp software.) We had to make a special version of Windows 95 for them.
时区里的世界地图也有同样的下场。印度政府威胁要在印度ban掉所有微软的软件,因为我们将一块争议地区在地图上标给了巴基斯坦。(任何描绘了无法被当地政府接受的边界的地图,都必须盖一个章,告知最终用户地图上标记的边界是不正确的,然而很明显无法给软件(里的地图)盖章。)最后我们给(印度)做了一个特别版的Windows 95才得以平息他们的怒火。
Geopolitics is a very sensitive subject.
参考下 linux 的时区设定,地图是可以用但是不可用的。