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We often get requests like this:
There should be a slider bar somewhere, say on the Performance Tab, that ranges from Novice to Advanced. At the highest level, all the geek settings are turned on. At the Novice level, all the settings for beginners are turned on. In between, we can gradually enable stuff.
We’ve been trying to do something like this since even before Windows 95, and it doesn’t work.
我们从Windows 95那年头就尝试这么做了,然而并没有什么卵用。
It doesn’t work because somebody who is a whiz at Excel will rate themselves as Advanced even though they can’t tell a CPU from a box of Cracker Jacks.
这么做不管用的原因是,一个精通Excel制表的人可能给自己标榜为专家,即便他们根本无法从一盒爆米花(译注:Cracker Jacks是美国一休闲食品的品牌)里挑出一块CPU来。
They’re not stupid. They really are advanced users. Just not advanced at the skill we’re asking them about.
And before you go mocking the non-geeks: Even geeks don’t know everything. I know a lot about GUI programming, but I only know a little about disk partitioning, and I don’t know squat about Active Directory. So am I an expert?
在你据此去嘲笑那些不那么精通电脑的人之前,首先你要知道,即便是真正的专家也不是什么都懂。我懂很多关于GUI编程方面的东西,但对磁盘分区只是略懂,对Active Directory一窍不通,那我到底算不算专家呢?