TONT 43083 为什么要点击『开始』菜单来『关机』?

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即日起,尝试不定期翻译《The Old New Thing》的『History』分类下的文章。



Short answer: The same reason you turn the ignition key to shut off your car.


Long answer: Back in the early days, the taskbar didn’t have a Start button. (In a future history column, you’ll learn that back in the early days, the taskbar wasn’t called the taskbar.)


Instead of the Start button, there were three buttons in the lower left corner. One was the “System” button (icon: the Windows flag), one was the “Find” button (icon: an eyeball), and the third was the “Help” button (icon: a question mark). “Find” and “Help” are self-explanatory. The “System” button gave you this menu:


Task List…(任务列表…)
Arrange Desktop Icons(排列桌面图标)
Arrange Windows >(排列窗口 >)
Shutdown Windows(关闭Windows)
(“Arrange Windows” gave you options like “Cascade”, “Tile Horizontally”, that sort of thing.)


Of course, over time, the “Find” and “Help” buttons eventually joined the “System” button menu and the System button menu itself gradually turned into the Windows 95 Start menu.

当然,随着时间的推移,『查找』和『帮助』两个按钮最终被合并到了『系统』的菜单中,而『系统』按钮的菜单也慢慢变成了Windows 95的开始菜单。

But one thing kept getting kicked up by usability tests: People booted up the computer and just sat there, unsure what to do next.


That’s when we decided to label the System button “Start”.


It says, “You dummy. Click here.” And it sent our usability numbers through the roof, because all of a sudden, people knew what to click when they wanted to do something.


So why is “Shut down” on the Start menu?


When we asked people to shut down their computers, they clicked the Start button.


Because, after all, when you want to shut down, you have to start somewhere.


(Besides, if we also had a “Shut down” button next to the Start button, everybody would be demanding that we get rid of it to save valuable screen real estate.)


(译注:Windows 95那个年代,人们普遍在用15寸左右的小显示器,分辨率通常也只有640×480,与如今的情况不可同日而语,所以屏幕空间很宝贵)


  1. 哈哈,这个已经出版成书了:《伟大的产品:Windows进化启示录》

  2. 晓得,我看过那本书(翻译得有点生硬),这里是为了练习做翻译,并不是为了做译文。


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