TONT 为什么会有一个单独的 GetSystemDirectory 方法?


If the system directory is always %windir%\SYSTEM32, why is there a special function to get it?

如果系统目录总会是 %windir%\SYSTEM32,为什么还有专门的一个方法来获取它?

Because it wasn’t always that.


For 16-bit programs on Windows NT, the system directory is %windir%\SYSTEM. That’s also the name of the system directory for Windows 95-based systems and all the 16-bit versions of Windows.

对于 Windows NT 下的 16 位应用程序来说,系统目录是 %windir%\SYSTEM。对于以 Windows 95 为基础、以及所有16位版本的 Windows 来说也是如此。

But even in the 16-bit world, if it was always %windir%\SYSTEM, why have a function for it?

然而,即便在16位的世界里,如果系统目录总会是 %windir%\SYSTEM 的话,那为什么还需要专门的一个方法呢?

Because even in the 16-bit world, it wasn’t always %windir%\SYSTEM.


Back in the old days, you could run Windows directly over the network. All the system files were kept on the network server, and only the user’s files were kept on the local machine. What’s more, every single computer on the network used the same system directory on the server. There was only one copy of USER.EXE, for example, which everybody shared.


Under this network-based Windows configuration, the system directory was a directory on a server somewhere (\\server\share\somewhere) and the Windows directory was a directory on the local machine (C:\WINDOWS). Clients did not have write permission into the shared system directory, but they did have permission to write into the Windows directory.


That’s why GetSystemDirectory is a separate function.


TONT 37903 有时候游戏的 bug 不玩到后期是体现不出来的


I didn’t debug it personally, but I know the people who did. During Windows XP development, a bug arrived on a computer game that crashed only after you got to one of the higher levels.

我并不亲自进行调试工作,不过我认识做这项工作的人。在 Windows XP 的开发过程中,曾经有款游戏的一个 bug,只有玩到进度比较深入的时候才会显现,并使游戏崩溃。

After many saved and restored games, the problem was finally identified.


The program does its video work in an offscreen buffer and transfers it to the screen when it’s done. When it draws text with a shadow, it first draws the text in black, offset down one and right one pixel, then draws it again in the foreground color.


So far so good.


Except that it didn’t check whether moving down and right one pixel was going to go beyond the end of the screen buffer.


That’s why it took until one of the higher levels before the bug manifested itself. Not until then did you accomplish a mission whose name contained a lowercase letter with a descender! Shifting the descender down one pixel caused the bottom row of pixels in the character to extend past the video buffer and start corrupting memory.

这就是为什么只有打到高等级的时候 bug 才会显现,因为直到那时才会完成一个任务,而这个任务的名字里有一个带下延部(注1)的小写字母!将这个字母的下延部下移1个像素,会导致底部一行的像素超出视频缓冲区,进而损毁了内存数据。

Once the problem was identified, fixing it was comparatively easy. The application compatibility team has a bag of tricks, and one of them is called “HeapPadAllocation”. This particular compatibility fix adds padding to every heap allocation so that when a program overruns a heap buffer, all that gets corrupted is the padding. Enable that fix for the bad program (specifying the amount of padding necessary, in this case, one row’s worth of pixels), and run through the game again. No crash this time.


What made this interesting to me was that you had to play the game for hours before the bug finally surfaced.



TONT 37983 为什么Windows会将你的BIOS时间设定为本地时间?


Even though Windows NT uses UTC internally, the BIOS clock stays on local time. Why is that?

尽管 Windows NT 内部使用 UTC 时间,但 BIOS 的时钟却仍然设定为本地时间,这是为什么呢?

There are a few reasons. One is a chain of backwards compatibility.


In the early days, people often dual-booted between Windows NT and MS-DOS/Windows 3.1. MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 operate on local time, so Windows NT followed suit so that you wouldn’t have to keep changing your clock each time you changed operating systems.

早年间,人们经常在 Windows NT 和 MS-DOS / Windows 3.1 之间双启动。MS-DOS 和 Windows 3.1 使用本地时间,所以 Windows NT 延续了这一设计,以便你每次更换(启动的)操作系统的时候不用总是去修改时间。

As people upgraded from Windows NT to Windows 2000 to Windows XP, this choice of time zone had to be preserved so that people could dual-boot between their previous operating system and the new operating system.

后来人们从 Windows NT 升级到了 Windows 2000 直至 Windows XP,对于时区的设定也需要被保留,以便于人们可以在以前和后来的操作系统间进行双启动。

Another reason for keeping the BIOS clock on local time is to avoid confusing people who set their time via the BIOS itself. If you hit the magic key during the power-on self-test, the BIOS will go into its configuration mode, and one of the things you can configure here is the time. Imagine how confusing it would be if you set the time to 3pm, and then when you started Windows, the clock read 11am.

另一个将 BIOS 时钟设定为本地时间的原因是避免使人们通过 BIOS 设置程序设定时间时产生疑惑。如果在开机自检的时候按下相关的按键,BIOS 会进入设置模式,其中一项可以进行设置的就是当前时间。想象一下如果你把时间设置为下午3点,等进了 Windows 时却发现时间变成了早上11点的感觉。

“Stupid computer. Why did it even ask me to change the time if it’s going to screw it up and make me change it a second time?”


And if you explain to them, “No, you see, that time was UTC, not local time,” the response is likely to be “What kind of totally propeller-headed nonsense is that? You’re telling me that when the computer asks me what time it is, I have to tell it what time it is in London? (Except during the summer in the northern hemisphere, when I have to tell it what time it is in Reykjavik!?) Why do I have to remember my time zone and manually subtract four hours? Or is it five during the summer? Or maybe I have to add. Why do I even have to think about this? Stupid Microsoft. My watch says three o’clock. I type three o’clock. End of story.”

这时候如果你像这类人去解释:『不是的,那个时间是 UTC 时间,不是本地时间』,很可能会被回击『那又是他喵的什么鬼东西?你是说电脑让我设置时间的时候,我得把伦敦时间给输进去?(除了北半球夏季的时候,那就得输入雷克雅未克的时间了!?)凭什么我得记住我所在的时区,然后手工减去四个小时,或者夏令时的时候得减五个小时?哦,有时候还得用加的,为什么我非得做这些事不可啊?傻×微软,我的手表说现在是三点,我就输入三点,完事。』

(What’s more, some BIOSes have alarm clocks built in, where you can program them to have the computer turn itself on at a particular time. Do you want to have to convert all those times to UTC each time you want to set a wake-up call?)

(更有甚者,有些 BIOS 还有内置的闹钟功能,可以通过设置它来让计算机在特定的时间启动。你会乐意每次设置它之前,手工先将所有的时间转成 UTC 时间吗?)

Day 11477 长颈鹿复制器

















  本工具需要 .Net Framework 4.6.1。


Day 11375 使用群晖作为UPS服务器联动Windows服务器关机

单位之前买了一台群晖DS416作为资料存储器,并在其后追加购置了一台APC BK650-CH的UPS作为掉电保护措施。该型号为后备式,并具备通讯端口,主要用于在市电断开时通知与之相连的设备进行关机,对群晖的硬盘起到保护作用。

后来,在群晖的旁边放置了一台组装的小服务器,运行 Windows Server 2008 R2 处理一些额外的事务。然而,该型号UPS只有一个通讯口,无法由UPS自身同时通知群晖和小服务器进行紧急关机。幸而,群晖支持作为UPS服务器使用,可由其通知其它最多5个设备的UPS客户端进行关机操作,以下为具体的配置过程,及尝试过程中遇到的一些问题的附录。
