TONT 35213 为什么 CreateProcess 函数会做自动修正?


Programs that weren’t designed to handle long file names would make mistakes like taking the path to the executable and writing it into the registry, unaware that the path might contain a space that needs quoting. (Spaces—while technically legal—were extremely rare in SFN paths.) The CreateProcess function had to decide whether to “autocorrect” these invalid paths or to let those programs simply stop working.

在设计阶段没有考虑处理长文件名的应用程序,在实际运行时处理诸如获取可执行文件路径、并将其写入注册表时可能出现一些纰漏,因为其意识不到路径中可能包含空格,需要用(英文)引号包裹起来。(虽然在短文件名体系下的路径中包含空格是合法的,但这种情况极为罕见)。CreateProcess 函数不得不做出一些(额外的)努力,来判定是为这些无效路径做一些『自动修正』,还是放任其停止工作算了。

This is the battle between pragmatism and purity.


Purity says, “Let them suffer for their mistake. We’re not going to sully our beautiful architecture to accomodate such stupidity.” Of course, such an attitude comes with a cost: People aren’t going to use your “pure” system if it can’t run the programs that they require.


Put another way, it doesn’t matter how great your 1.0 version is if you don’t survive long enough to make a 2.0.


Your choice is between “being pure and unpopular” or “being pragmatic and popular”. Look at all the wonderful technologies that died for lack of popularity despite technical superiority. Sony Betamax. Mattel Intellivision. (And, in the United States: The metric system.)

你需要在『纯粹但无人问津』和『活跃且广为接受』做出选择。回顾一下那些虽然技术上优越、但由于缺乏流行度最终悻悻而终的技术吧。Sony Betamax,Mattel Intellivison都是例子。(在美国,还有公制系统也一样。)

Electric cars are another example. As great as electric cars are, they never reached any significant market success. Only after conceding to popularity and “sullying” their “purity” by adding a gasoline hybrid engine did they finally gain acceptance.


I see this happening over and over again. A product team that, hypothetically, makes automated diagramming software, says, “I can’t believe we’re losing to Z. Sure, Z’s diagrams may be fast and snazzy, but ours gets <subtle detail> right, and when you go to <extreme case> their diagrams come out a little distorted, and they’re faster only because they don’t try to prevent X and Y from overlapping each other in <scenario Q>. We’re doing all those things; that’s why we’re slower, but that’s also why we’re better. Those people over at Z just don’t ‘get it’.”


Guess what. People are voting with their wallets, and right now their wallets are saying that Z is better in spite of all those “horrible flaws”. Whatever part of “it” they don’t get, it’s certainly not the “make lots of people so happy that they send you money” part.


TONT 35253 日期/时间控制面板不是当日历用的


Although many people use the Date/Time control panel to flip through a calendar, that’s not what it is for. In fact, if you use it that way, you can create all sorts of havoc!


In its original incarnation in Windows 95, the Date/Time control panel changed your date and time. If you clicked through the calendar to see next month, you actually changed your system clock to next month. If you changed your mind and clicked “Cancel”, the Date/Time control panel undid its changes and restored the date to the original date.

在 Windows 95 的『日期/时间设置』控制面板里,其是用来修改系统的日期和时间设置的。如果在里面的日历上点击查看下个月的话,实际上已经立刻将系统日期修改为下个月了,此时如果你改变主意点击『取消』按钮的话,『日期/时间设置』控制面板会撤销你的设置,并将系统事件调回修改之前的值。

In other words, here’s what happened, step by step:


  • On April 1, you open the Date/Time control panel.
  • You change the month to May. The Date/Time control panel changes your system date to May 1. If you are running an appointment calendar program, all appointments from the month of April will fire. (For example, your April 15th alarm to remind you to file your income taxes.) You are annoyed by all these alerts and you cancel them.
  • You decide you didn’t want to change the month to May after all and click Cancel.
  • The Date/Time control panel changes the date back to April 1.
  • On April 15th, your income tax alarm fails to fire because you cancelled it, remember?

In other words, the Date/Time control panel was not designed for letting you flip through a calendar. It was designed for changing the system date and time.


Unaware of its design, people have been using the Date/Time control panel as if it were a calendar, not realizing that it was doing all sorts of scary things behind the scenes. It’s like using a cash register as an adding machine. Sure, it does a great job of adding numbers together, but you’re also messing up the accounting back at the main office!


For Windows 2000, in reluctant recognition of the way people had been mis-using the Date/Time control panel, it was rewritten so that it doesn’t change the system time until you hit the Apply button.

直到 Windows 2000 以后,意识到人们对『日期/时间设置』控制面板的误用,虽然很不情愿,但开发人员还是对其进行了重新编写,使其变成只有在点击『应用』按钮后,新的日期、时间设置才会生效了。

Aaron Margosis shows you how to grant a user permission to change the system date and time without having to make them a full administrator.

Aaron Margosis 在他的文章中介绍了如何获得用户授权来修改系统的日期和时间,而不必将用户提升为具有完全权限的系统管理员


TONT 35393 为什么控制面板里的程序和属性页不会出现在任务栏上?


Control panel programs and property sheets don’t show up in the taskbar. Why not?


As I recall, the explanation was that control panel programs and property sheets aren’t applications. They are auxiliary helper windows that assist you with a task, but they aren’t a program in their own right. Therefore, they don’t get a taskbar button.


I’ve always been kind of suspicious of that explanation, but there it is, make of it what you will. (I don’t mind the behavior—putting them in the taskbar just creates clutter—but the explanation I found kind of wanting.)


(译注:Windows 10 的相关设计已经做出了大幅改变,这里看看就好)

TONT 35653 微软的企业网络:比『地狱』还要恐怖1.7倍


Today I’m going to tell a story from 1996. Why? Because I can.


One of the tests performed by Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) was the NCT packet stress test which had the nickname “Hell”. The purpose of the test was to flood a network card with an insane number of packets, in order to see how it handled extreme conditions. It uncovered packet-dropping bugs, timing problems, all sorts of great stuff. Network card vendors used it to determine what size internal hardware buffers should be in order to cover “all reasonable network traffic scenarios”.


It so happened that at the time this test had currency (1996 era), the traffic on the Microsoft corporate network was approximately 1.7 times worse than the NCT packet stress test. A card could pass the Hell test with flying colors, yet drop 90% of its packets when installed on a computer at Microsoft because the card simply couldn’t keep up with the traffic.


The open secret among network card vendors was, “If you want your card to work with Windows, submit one card to WHQL and send another to a developer on the Windows team.”

网卡供应商之间的一个公开的秘密是:『如果你想让自己的产品能在 Windows 上运行,那就在向 WHQL 提交样品的同时也给 Windows 开发组的工程师也送一块。』

(This rule applied to hardware other than network cards. I was “gifted” a sound card from a major manufacturer and installed it on my main machine. It wasn’t long before I found and fixed a crashing bug in their driver.)


TONT 35713 当人们要将安全漏洞作为功能的时候:窃取密码


Sometimes people ask for features that are such blatant security holes I don’t know what they were thinking.


Is there a way to get the current user’s password? I have a program that does some stuff, then reboots the system, and I want to have the current user’s password so I can log that user back in when I’m done, then my program can resume its operation.


(Sometimes they don’t bother explaining why they need the user’s password; they just ask for it.)


Imagine the fantastic security hole if this were possible. Anybody could write a program that steals your password without even having to trick you into typing it. They would just call the imaginary GetPasswordOfCurrentUser function and bingo! they have your password.

想象一下如果这件事成为可能的话,会产生一个多么美妙的安全漏洞。任何人都可以写一段程序来窃取你的密码,甚至不需要欺骗你把密码输进去,只需要调用那个虚构的 GetPasswordOfCurrentUser 方法就好了,一转眼,他们就拥有了你的密码。

For another angle on credential-stealing, read Larry Osterman‘s discussion of why delegation doesn’t work over the network.

或者也可以换个角度来观察凭据窃取这个问题,可以读一读  Larry Osterman 关于为什么代理认证在(内部)网络上行不通的文章。

Even if you didn’t want the password itself but merely some sort of “cookie” that could be used to log the user on later, you still have a security hole. Let’s call this imaginary function GetPasswordCookieOfCurrentUser; it returns a “cookie” that can be used to log the user on instead of using their password.

即便你不是想要密码本身,只是想要个某种形式的『Cookie』用于稍后替用户登录,这样操作同样也是一个安全漏洞。姑且将这个想象中的方法叫做 GetPasswordCookieOfCurrentUser,调用之会返回一个『Cookie』可以在稍后用于替用户登录,而不是直接返回用户的密码。

This is just a thinly-disguised GetPasswordOfCurrentUser because that “cookie” is equivalent to a password. Log on with the cookie and you are now that person.

这不过是前述的 GetPasswordOfCurrentUser 稍稍改头换面了一下而已,因为这个『Cookie』等同于密码,用这个『Cookie』登录之后你就是用户本人了。

(译注:Windows 10 看上去已经有了这篇15年前的文章描述的功能了——设置—账户—登录选项—『更新或重启后,使用我的登录信息自动完成设备设置并重新打开我的应用』,但仅限于系统更新或由系统发起的设备配置,而不是像这篇文章说的那样可以由第三方程序使用,且如果本机加入了域或应用了组策略,则该功能不可用。点击这里查看官方说明。)