TONT 32453 为什么在NTFS分区和FAT分区上,回收站文件夹的名字不一样?

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On FAT drives, the directory that stores files in the Recycle Bin is called C:\RECYCLED, but on NTFS drives, its name is C:\RECYCLER. Why the name change?

在 FAT 格式的分区上,存储回收站文件的目录叫做 C:\RECYCLED,但在 NTFS 格式的分区上则叫 C:\RECYCLER。为什么会有这种变化呢?

The FAT and NTFS Recycle Bins have different internal structure because NTFS has this thing called “security” and FAT doesn’t. All recycled files on FAT drives are dumped into a single C:\RECYCLED directory, whereas recycled files on NTFS drives are separated based on the user’s SID into directories named C:\RECYCLER\S-…. (It has nothing to do with whether you are running English or Swedish Windows.)

FAT 分区和 NTFS 分区上的回收站的内部结构有所不同,因为 NTFS 文件系统有一种 FAT 文件系统所没有的功能,叫做『安全属性』。在 FAT 格式的分区上,所有删除的文件都被直接丢进了 C:\RECYCLED 目录里,而在 NTFS 分区上,回收站则按照用户的 SID 将删除的文件以 C:\RECYCLER\S-…. 的形式区别开来(这与你用的是英文版还是瑞典语版的 Windows 没有关系)。

Suppose the same directory name were used for both file systems, say, C:\RECYCLED. Since it is possible to upgrade a FAT drive to an NTFS drive with the CONVERT utility, this means that a FAT drive converted to NTFS would have a FAT-style Recycle Bin after the conversion. But since the names are the same, the Recycle Bin says, “Hey, look, here’s a C:\RECYCLED directory. That must be my NTFS Recycle Bin!” except that it isn’t. It’s a FAT Recycle Bin left over from the conversion. Giving the NTFS Recycle Bin a different name means that the Recycle Bin shell folder won’t get confused by the “wrong” type of recycle bin directory structure on an NTFS volume.

假设在两种格式的磁盘上,回收站文件夹的名字是相同的,都是 C:\RECYCLED。鉴于系统允许使用 CONVERT 工具将 FAT 格式的分区升级成为 NTFS 分区,这就意味着从 FAT 格式转换为 NTFS 格式的分区,在转换完成后就会有一个 FAT 格式的回收站(译注:上文所说的直接将文件丢进去,不按 SID 区隔的那种)。但由于(回收站的)名字是相同的,那么回收站功能便会认为,『嘿,看,这儿有个 C:\RECYCLED 目录,这肯定是我们 NTFS 格式的回收站没错!』,而事实上并非如此,它只是一个转换后遗留下来的 FAT 格式回收站而已。给 NTFS 格式回收站(目录)一个不同的名字,有助于令回收站功能不会在 NTFS 格式的卷上对『错误的』回收站目录结构产生疑惑。

Yes, the problem could have been solved some other way. For example, there could have been code to inspect the Recycle Bin directory to determine what format it is and ignore it if it didn’t match the actual file system. (Or, if you’re feeling really ambitious, somehow convert from one format to the other.) But that would be over-engineering. You have to write and test the detection (and possibly conversion) code, there’s the risk of a false-positive, the code runs at every boot, and it needs to be maintained whenever either the FAT or NTFS recycle bin format changes. All for a scenario that happens at most once per drive.

的确,这个问题也能通过其他方式解决。例如,回收站功能可以新增一段代码,来判断目录内的格式,并忽略与当前文件系统不相符的情况。(又或者真的很有雄心壮志的话,把不相符的格式转换为相符的也可以。)但是那样就成了过度开发的案例了。你得撰写相关的代码,对检测功能进行测试(可能还包括转换格式的功能),这其中存在判断错误的可能,这段代码会在每次系统启动时运行,并且每次 FAT 或 NTFS 文件系统的回收站格式发生变化时都要维护,而以上所有的麻烦,都只为了一个在每个磁盘上最多只会发生一次的事情。

Or you could change one text string and be done with it. (I could make some really awful “Gordian knot”/”string” remark here but will refrain.)

也可以选择就修改一个字符串(译注:RECYCLER 和 RECYELED 的区别)就搞定了。


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