TONT 33473 要做领导者,必须知道何时应当跟从

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Many people misinterpreted my use of the term “reluctant” to describe the attitude of the designers in changing the way the Date/Time control panel functions. It was a reluctance of shame, not a reluctance of defiance.


Your software is there for the users, not vice versa. If you find that your users are using the software in a manner contrary to its intended purpose, your first reaction may be to try to educate users not to do whatever it is they’re doing. But eventually you reach a point where the efforts in convincing people not to do something dangerous outweighs the cost of just making it less dangerous. (Even though this may annoy those who genuinely want to perform that dangerous activity.)


You may not do it with a smile on your face (hence the reluctance), but you know deep in your heart that it’s the right thing to do.


Side note: Why did the Date/Time control panel apply changes immediately anyway? Historical artifact. That’s the way the Date/Time control panel has worked since Windows 1.0. In fact, originally, the Date/Time control panel didn’t even have a Cancel button. Any changes you made to the time took effect immediately and irrevocably. (Mind you, MS-DOS and the original Macintosh did the same thing.) It wasn’t until after Windows 95 shipped that this behavior started being a problem.

再说个小故事:为什么日期/时间控制面板会立刻应用修改呢?这是历史上一以贯之的设计,也是日期/时间控制面板从 Windows 1.0 起的设计。实际上,原本日期/时间控制面板连『取消』按钮都没有,任何对时间的修改都立刻生效、无法撤销。(小提示:MS-DOS 和原始的 Macintosh 都是这么设计的。)但是直到 Windows 95 发布后,这样的设计才成为了一个问题。


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