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Among the things you can get with the GetStockObject function are two fonts called SYSTEM_FONT and DEFAULT_GUI_FONT. What are they?

在使用 GetStockObject 获取到的对象中,有两个字体分别叫 SYSTEM_FONT 和 DEFAULT_GUI_FONT,它们是什么字体呢?

They are fonts nobody uses any more.


Back in the old days of Windows 2.0, the font used for dialog boxes was a bitmap font called System. This is the font that SYSTEM_FONT retrieves, and it is still the default dialog box font for compatibility reasons. Of course, nobody nowadays would ever use such an ugly font for their dialog boxes. (Among other things, it’s a bitmap font and therefore does not look good at high resolutions, nor can it be anti-aliased.)

回到 Windows 2.0 那时候,用于对话框的字体是一个叫 System 的位图字体,它是 SYSTEM_FONT 所指向的字体,也仍然为了向下兼容而保留用作对话框默认字体。当然,现在已经没有人再去将这么丑陋的字体用在自己的对话框上了。(除此之外,这是个位图字体,所以在高分辨率下观感不佳,也无法被抗锯齿处理。)

DEFAULT_GUI_FONT has an even less illustrious history. It was created during Windows 95 development in the hopes of becoming the new default GUI font, but by July 1994, Windows itself stopped using it in favor of the various fonts returned by the SystemParametersInfo function. Its existence is now vestigial.

DEFAULT_GUI_FONT 则有个不那么出名的故事,它是在 Windows 95 开发过程中创造出来的,原本被寄希望于用作新的默认GUI字体,但到了1994年7月,Windows 已经不再去调用这个别名了,而是使用 SystemParametersInfo 返回的几个字体,而它就变成了(Windows)进化过程中的残余。

One major gotcha with SYSTEM_FONT and DEFAULT_GUI_FONT is that on a typical US-English machine, they map to bitmap fonts that do not support ClearType.

还有一条关于 SYSTEM_FONT 和 DEFAULT_GUI_FONT 的常见技巧用法是,在常见的美国英语语言机器上,它们通常都指向不支持 ClearType 的位图字体。



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