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Wes Haggard wishes that \ would autocomplete to all the computers on the network. [Link fixed 10am.] An early beta of Windows 95 actually did something similar to this, showing all the computers on the network when you opened the Network Neighborhood folder. And the feature was quickly killed.
Wes Haggard 希望(在『运行』对话框或地址栏中)输入 \\ 时,自动完成功能可以列出网络上的所有计算机。Windows 95 的一个早期 beta 版本实际上有一个与此类似的功能,当你打开『网上邻居』文件夹时便列出网络上的所有计算机,然而这个功能很快就被砍掉了。
Corporations with large networks were having conniptions because needlessly enumerating all the machines on the network can bring a large network to its knees. Think about all the times you type “\\”. Now imagine if every single time you did that, Explorer started enumerating all the machines on the network. And imagine how your network administrator would feel if their network traffic saturated with enumerations each time you did that.
拥有大型网络的企业对此大动肝火,因为毫无必要地枚举出网络上所有的计算机有将一个大型网络搞到跪的能力。想像一下每次你输入 \\ 的时候。然后再想像一下每次你这样做的时候,资源管理器都会开始枚举网络上所有的计算机。再想像一下每次你这样做时,网络上的巨额流量会让网管的脸有多难看。
Network administrators made it clear in no uncertain terms that having Windows casually enumerate all the machines on their LAN was totally unacceptable.
网管们非常清楚且毫不含糊地表示,让 Windows 随随便便就在局域网上枚举所有计算机是完全不可接受的事情。
The needs of the corporate environment are very different from those of the home network, and Windows needs to operate in both worlds.
企业环境的需求与家庭网络大相径庭,而 Windows 需要在两种环境下都能正常操作。