请注意:本页内容发布于 1938 天前,内容可能已经过时,请注意甄别。
If the program doesn’t provide this information itself, Add/Remove Programs is forced to guess.
The problem is that there is no “obvious” way to map an entry in the Add/Remove Programs list to an actual program. Each entry in the list, for those who care about such things, comes from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall registry key. The only mandatory properties for an uninstallable program are the DisplayName and the UninstallPath. Everything else is optional.
问题在于,『添加/删除程序』并没有一种明确的手段将一项(已安装程序的)条目与实际的应用程序关联起来。为关注相关事项的人服务一把:(『添加/删除程序』中的)每一个条目都取自注册表键 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall。对于每个可以卸载的应用程序而言,必需的条目是 DisplayName 和 UninstallPath,剩下的都是可选项。
Let’s suppose Add/Remove Programs is given a program registration like this:
DisplayName=REG_SZ:”Awesome Program for Windows”
UninstallPath=REG_SZ:”C:\WINDOWS\uninstall.exe -SomeParameters”
In order to get the “Last Used” and “Frequency” values, Add/Remove Programs needs to know the name of the EXE so it can ask the Start menu “Hey, how often did the user run this program, and when was the last time it happened?”
Notice that there are no clues in the registration above as to the identity of this EXE file.
So Add/Remove Programs starts guessing. It goes through all the programs on your Start menu and compares their names with the display name of the uninstallable item. It looks for Start menu items which share at least two words with the words in the DisplayName.
于是『添加/删除程序』就开始靠猜的了。『添加/删除程序』遍历开始菜单,将上述注册表信息提供的、可卸载应用程序的『显示名称』与开始菜单中的条目进行比较,标准是有至少两个单词与 DisplayName 相同。
For example, if there were a Start menu item called “Pretty Decent Windows Program”, this would count as a two-word match (“Windows” and “Program”).
例如,如果有一个开始菜单条目叫『Pretty Decent Windows Program』,这样就算有两个单词相符(Windows 和 Program)(译注:前例中的 DisplayName 叫 Awesome Program for Windows)了。
It then takes the one with the most matches and decides, “Okay, I guess this is it.” Suppose for the sake of illustration that the best match is indeed “Pretty Decent Windows Program.lnk”, which is a shortcut to “C:\Program Files\LitWare\Decent Program\Decent.exe”. Add/Remove Programs would decide that “Awesome Program for Windows” should get the icon for “Pretty Decent Windows Program.lnk”, that the frequency of use and most-recently-used information for “C:\Program Files\LitWare\Decent Program\Decent.exe” will be displayed for “Awesome Program for Windows”.
『添加/删除程序』会挑选相似程度最高的一项,然后下定决心说:『行了,依我看就是它了。』假设在本例中,相似程度最高的一项正好是『Pretty Decent Windows Program.lnk』,而它是到『C:\Program Files\LitWare\Decent Program\Decent.exe』的快捷方式,『添加/删除程序』便由此决定『Awesome Program for Windows』应当采用『Pretty Decent Windows Program.lnk』的图标,而使用频率和最近使用时间的信息则取自『C:\Program Files\LitWare\Decent Program\Decent.exe』。
But wait, there’s more. There’s also the program size. Add/Remove Programs looks in your “Program Files” directory for directories whose names share at least two words in common with the DisplayName. The best match is assumed to be the directory that the program files are installed into. The sizes are added together and reported as the size of “Awesome Program for Windows”.
不过等等,还没完。还有一项信息叫『大小』。『添加/删除程序』将在『Program Files』目录中查找与 DisplayName 有至少两个单词相同的项目,而该项目则被视为应用程序的安装目录。将这个目录下的文件大小汇总一下,这个数字就作为『Awesome Program for Windows』的『大小』了。
A program can add some properties to its registration to avoid a lot of this guessing. It can set an EstimatedSize property to avoid making Add/Remove Programs guess how big the program is. It can also set a DisplayIcon property to specify which icon to show for the program in the list.
应用程序可以在向注册表中写入信息时主动指定对应的属性值来避免上述的猜测工作,比如可以通过设置 EstimatedSize 属性来省去『添加/删除程序』估算应用程序的大小,也可以通过设置 DisplayIcon 来指定在列表中应用程序的图标。
But if a program omits all of these hints, the guess that Add/Remove Programs ends up making can often be ridiculously wide of the mark due to coincidental word matches. In my experience, Spanish suffers particularly badly from this algorithm, due to that language’s heavy use of prepositions and articles (which result in a lot of false matches).
Yes, this is all lame, but when you are forced to operate with inadequate information, lame is the best you can do.
[July 15 2004: Emphasizing that this is done only if the program fails to provide the information itself. For some reason, a lot of people who link to this page fail to notice that little detail.]