TONT 38513 关闭阴影效果时,为什么图标下的文字会有一个纯色色块?

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A commenter asks why icon label have “those ugly color boxes” when there is a background image.


The answer: Because the alternative would be worse.


Imagine if there were no solid background between the text and the background image. You would end up with text against an unpredictable background, which doesn’t help readability.


Take the default background for Windows XP: There are some places that are very light and other places that are very dark. No matter what color you pick for the icon text, it will look bad in one or the other place. If you decide to use white, then the text becomes unreadable in the clouds. If you decide to use black, then the text becomes unreadable in the shadows.

以 Windows XP 的默认背景(译注:Bliss,即经典的蓝天白云绿草地)为例:图片上的某些部分特别亮,有些则特别暗。不论你选择哪种(单一)颜色作为图标标签文字的颜色,都可能在一处或者另一处看上去很难看。用白色,那么在白云部分文字就很难看清,而用黑色的话,在阴影部分又看不见了。

You lose either way.


The solution is to intercede a contrasting color to ensure that the text is readable. If your video card is powerful enough, the contrasting color is used only just around the strokes of text themselves, which lends a shadow-effect. If shadows are not enabled, then a solid block of contrast is used.


(And for those of you who say, “Use white in the dark places and black in the light places,” what if there is a section of the wallpaper that has a dark area right next to a light area, and the text covers both?)



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