TONT 41523 为什么对结构的尺寸校验是严格的?

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You may have noticed that Windows as a general rule checks structure sizes strictly. For example, consider the MENUITEMINFO structure:


typedef struct tagMENUITEMINFO {
UINT cbSize;
UINT fMask;
UINT fType;
UINT fState;
HMENU hSubMenu;
HBITMAP hbmpChecked;
HBITMAP hbmpUnchecked;
ULONG_PTR dwItemData;
LPTSTR dwTypeData;
UINT cch;
#if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
HBITMAP hbmpItem; // available only on Windows 2000 and higher(限Windows2000及以上版本)

Notice that the size of this structure changes depending on whether WINVER >= 0x0500 (i.e., whether you are targetting Windows 2000 or higher). If you take the Windows 2000 version of this structure and pass it to Windows NT 4, the call will fail since the sizes don’t match.

注意该结构的尺寸在WINVER是否大于等于0x0500时(即目标系统版本是否为Windows 2000及以上)会发生变化。如果你创建了该结构的Windows 2000版本,然后传递给Windows NT 4,则调用会失败,因为尺寸不合。

“But the old version of the operating system should accept any size that is greater than or equal to the size it expects. A larger value means that the structure came from a newer version of the program, and it should just ignore the parts it doesn’t understand.”


We tried that. It didn’t work.


Consider the following imaginary sized structure and a function that consumes it. This will be used as the guinea pig for the discussion to follow:


typedef struct tagIMAGINARY {
UINT cbSize;
BOOL fDance;
BOOL fSing;
// v2 added new features
IServiceProvider *psp; // where to get more info(获取更多信息的途径)

// perform the actions you specify(执行所指定的操作)
STDAPI DoImaginaryThing(const IMAGINARY *pimg);

// query what things are currently happening(查询正在发生的事情)
STDAPI GetImaginaryThing(IMAGINARY *pimg);

First, we found lots of programs which simply forgot to initialize the cbSize member altogether.


img.fDance = TRUE;
img.fSing = FALSE;

So they got stack garbage as their size. The stack garbage happened to be a large number, so it passed the “greater than or equal to the expected cbSize” test and the code worked. Then the next version of the header file expanded the structure, using the cbSize to detect whether the caller is using the old or new style. Now, the stack garbage is still greater than or equal to the new cbSize, so version 2 of DoImaginaryThing says, “Oh cool, this is somebody who wants to provide additional information via the IServiceProvider field.” Except of course that it’s stack garbage, so calling the IServiceProvider::QueryService method crashes.


Now consider this related scenario:



The next version of the header file expanded the structure, and the stack garbage happened to be a large number, so it passed the “greater than or equal to the expected cbSize” test, so it returned not just the fDance and fSing flags, but also returned an psp. Oops, but the caller was compiled with v1, so its structure doesn’t have a psp member. The psp gets written past the end of the structure, corrupting whatever came after it in memory. Ah, so now we have one of those dreaded buffer overflow bugs.


Even if you were lucky and the memory that came afterwards was safe to corrupt, you still have a bug: By the rules of COM reference counts, when a function returns an interface pointer, it is the caller’s responsibility to release the pointer when no longer needed. But the v1 caller doesn’t know about this psp member, so it certainly doesn’t know that it needs to be psp->Release()d. So now, in addition to memory corruption (as if that wasn’t bad enough), you also have a memory leak.


Wait, I’m not done yet. Now let’s see what happens when a program written in the future runs on an older system.


Suppose somebody is writing their program intending it to be run on v2. They set the cbSize to the larger v2 structure size and set the psp member to a service provider that performs security checks before allowing any singing or dancing to take place. (E.g., makes sure everybody paid the entrance fee.) Now somebody takes this program and runs it on v1. The new v2 structure size passes the “greater than or equal to the v1 structure size” test, so v1 will accept the structure and Do the ImaginaryThing. Except that v1 didn’t support the psp field, so your service provider never gets called and your security module is bypassed. Now everybody is coming into your club without paying.

假设有人写了一段程序,调用了第2版的结构。写代码的人设置了cbSize为较大的v2结构的值,并设置了psp成员为一个会在做任何实际行动(比如,看看来的人买没买门票之类的事情)之前做安全检查的Service Provider。现在有人拿这个程序跑在(只支持)v1(的系统上)。新的v2结构尺寸通过了『比v1的结构大或相等』的校验,然后v1就接受了这个结构,开始运行ImaginaryThing,然而v1并不支持psp这个域,所以费尽心思撰写的Service Provider永远不会被执行,相应的安全检查也都被越过了,好似是个人都能不花钱跑进你的俱乐部里玩一般。

Now, you might say, “Well those are just buggy programs. They deserve to lose.” If you stand by that logic, then prepare to take the heat when you read magazine articles like “Microsoft intentionally designed <Product X> to be incompatible with <software from a major competitor>. Where is the Justice Department when you need them?”



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