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It’s PDC season, so I thought I’d relate an anecdote about a conference from many years ago.
又到了PDC(Professional Developers Conference,微软专业开发者大会)季了,我想提一提许多年前的一则轶事。
I forget which conference it was, maybe GCDC 1996, we were all busy preparing our presentations and submitted them to the Microsoft conference representatives so they could apply the standard template, clean them up, print out copies to go into the handouts, all that stuff.
What about that “clean them up” step?
We didn’t realize what “clean them up” meant until we showed up at the conference and looked at the handouts.
Part of “cleaning up” was inserting “®” and “™” symbols as necessary. Which meant that they also took every occurrence of the abbreviation “VB” and changed it to “Microsoft Visual Basic®”. They even did this to the presentation on vertex buffers. The abbreviation for vertex buffers is also “VB”.
『做些清理』中的一部分是指在必要的地方添加 ® 和 ™ 标志,而对我们而言,他们把幻灯片中所有的缩写『VB』都替换成了『Microsoft Visual Basic®』,连顶点缓冲器也给替换了,因为顶点缓冲器(vertex buffers)的缩写也是『VB』。
You can imagine what this did to the presentation on vertex buffers.
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