TONT 42283 为什么『系统』属性页将内存容量四舍五入?

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During Windows 95 beta testing, people ran the System Properties page and complained about “missing memory”.

在Windows 95的beta测试期间,测试者们打开『系统』属性页,然后就抱怨有些内存『消失』了。

The Windows 95 System Properties page reports the amount of memory available to Windows as system memory, which is not necessarily the same as the amount of memory installed in your computer.

(实际上,)Windows 95的『系统』属性页报告的是Windows可用作系统内存的容量,而这个容量不见得与所安装的内存容量是一致的。

For example, you may have an old DOS device driver that allocates a large amount of memory for itself, which prevents Windows 95 from using it. Or you may have a dreaded UMA machine, where your so-called 8MB of memory is actually being divided between main system memory and video memory. So if you have an 8MB UMA machine and you’re running at 800×600 8bpp, you actually have only 7.5MB of memory, since the other half-meg got eaten by the video card.

例如,可能有旧式的DOS设备驱动为自己分配了一大块内存,如此一来Windows 95便无法使用这部分内存。或者,用户使用的是一台怪怪的UMA设备,在这种设备中,所谓的8MB内存实际上被划分为住系统内存和显示内存两部分。所以如果你有一台8MB的UMA设备,并将显示模式设置为800×600 8bpp色彩模式(译注:即256色),实际上就只剩下7.5MB的内存可用,那0.5MB是被显卡吃掉了。

When we displayed the actual amount of memory available to Windows, we got lots of bug reports from people asking, “I paid for 8MB of memory, where is it?”


So Windows 95 takes the actual amount of memory and rounds it up to the nearest multiple of four megabytes and displays that.

所以Windows 95(后来)会将实际可用的内存量四舍五入到最接近的4的倍数,然后把这个数字(当作系统内存数)显示出来。



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