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It seems that no matter what you do, somebody will get offended.
Every Windows 95 box has an anti-piracy hologram on the side. The photographer chose his infant son as his model, since the human face is very hard to copy accurately. The baby sits next to a computer, and as you turn the hologram, his arm rises and points at the computer monitor, which bursts into a Windows 95 logo.
每个Windows 95副本的包装盒在侧面都有一个全息防伪标志。为标志提供素材的摄影师选择了他的孩子(婴儿)作为模特,因为(标志中的)人脸部分(以当时的技术)难以准确进行批量复制。(标志中的)孩子坐在一台电脑旁,并且当你将全息图旋转时,孩子的胳膊会抬起指向电脑的显示器,上面也会浮现出一个Windows 95的LOGO来。
How cute. And everybody loves babies.
Until we got a complaint from a government (who shall remain nameless for obvious reasons) that was upset with Windows 95 because it depicted naked children.
(我们是这么想的,)直到收到来自某政府(出于显而易见的原因,来源保密)的控诉,称他们对Windows 95很不开心,因为(那个全息防伪标志中)描绘了一个裸体儿童。
“Naked children!?” we all thought to ourselves.
“(哪来的什么)裸体儿童!?” 我们暗自思忖道。
They were complaining about the hologram on the box. The baby wasn’t wearing a shirt. Even though the baby was visible only from the waist up, the offended government assumed that he wasn’t wearing pants either.
We had to produce a new hologram. In the new hologram, the baby is wearing a shirt and overalls. But since this was a rush job, we didn’t have time to do the arm animation.
So if you still have your copy of Windows 95, go look at the hologram. If the baby in your hologram isn’t wearing a shirt, you have a genuine collector’s item. I have seen the “naked baby” hologram but unfortunately my copy of Windows 95 has a clothed baby.
所以说,如果你手里还有Windows 95的包装盒的话,可以瞅瞅那个全息防伪标志。如果标志里的小孩没穿上衣,那你的副本就是100%保真的收藏级了。我个人是见过『裸婴』版本的全息图来着,但很可惜我自己手里的Windows 95包装盒防伪标志上的小孩是穿了衣服的。
If you hunt around the web, you can find lots of other people who claim to have found subliminal messages in Windows 95. My favorite is the one who claims to have found images in the clouds bitmap. Hey, they’re clouds. They’re Nature’s Rorschach Test.
在网上搜索一下,可以找到很多人声称自己在Windows 95中的各种角落发现了难以觉察的“小秘密”。我印象最深的是某人号称在蓝天白云图(译注:可能是指Windows 95的默认壁纸之一Clouds.bmp,为一再普通不过的蓝天白云图片)里发现了奇怪的影像。我天,这就是云而已,是大自然的『罗夏墨迹测试』罢了。(译注:对『罗夏墨迹测试』不熟悉的请自行检索相关信息。)
Windows XP had its own share of complaints. The original wallpaper for Windows XP was Red Moon Desert, until people claimed that Red Moon Desert looked like a pair of buttocks. People also thought that one of the generic people used in the User Accounts control panel people looked like Hitler. And one government claimed the cartoon character in the original Switch Users dialog looked like an obscene body part. We had to change them all. But it makes me wonder about the mental state of our beta testers…
Windows XP则拥有自己独一份的抱怨。在Windows XP自带的壁纸中,有一张是“红月沙漠(Red Moon Desert)”的照片曾是默认壁纸,直到有人非说图中的沙漠看起来像臀部。还有人说在控制面板的『用户账户』里所用的、代表用户的通用剪影看起来像希特勒。还有某政府用户坚称在旧版的『切换用户』对话框里出现的卡通形象看起来像某猥琐的身体部位。这些我们全都改了。但这些事也让我很想知道,我们的测试者们的精神状态到底经历了什么。
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