TONT 42873 为什么Windows 95中会有名叫BEAR、BUNNY和PIGLET的方法?

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If you dig back into your Windows 95 files, you’ll find that some internal system functions are given names like BEAR35, BUNNY73 and PIGLET12. Surely there is a story behind these silly names, isn’t there?

去翻一翻Windows 95的文件的话,会发现有些内部系统调用起名叫BEAR35、BUNNY(小兔)73和PIGLET(小猪)12。这些看上去傻傻的名字的背后肯定有故事,对吧?

Of course there is.


“Bear” is the name of the Windows 3.1 mascot, a stuffed teddy bear seemingly-obsessively carried around by Dave, one of the most senior programmers on the team. If he came into your office, he might bounce Bear on your monitor to get your attention. As a prank, we would sometimes steal Bear and take him on “vacation”, in the same way people take garden gnomes on vacation and send back postcards.

“Bear”是Windows 3.1吉祥物的名字,开发组中最资深的程序员Dave喜欢把这个吉祥物着魔般地这也放那也摆。他去别人的办公室的话,会把那只小熊在你的显示器上蹦蹦跳跳地摆弄来吸引别人注意。有时其它人也会开玩笑,把那只小熊悄悄藏起来说是“去旅行了”,就像那些把别人家花园里的精灵(译注:gnome原指土地神、侏儒,这里指放在西方家庭花园中的精灵小矮人饰品)拿走去“旅行”然后寄回明信片一样。(译注:有关背景故事可参考此新闻(需梯子),话说这不就跟之前热过一阵的旅行青蛙一个意思吗?)

If you play the Windows 3.1 easter egg, one of the pictures you will see is a cartoon of Bear.

尝试一下Windows 3.1中的彩蛋,其中一张图就是一直卡通熊。


Bear took a lot of abuse. He once had the power cord to a Tempest video game run through his head between his ears. Neil Konzen tried to stick a firecracker up Bear’s butt. (Presumably not while it had the power cord in its head.)

这只小熊曾被乱用过很多次。有一次它的头上两耳之间被架过视频游戏的电源线,Neil Konzen还曾尝试把一根爆竹放在小熊的PP上(大概不是被架电源线那时候)。

By Windows 95, Bear was in pretty bad repair. (The children of one of the program managers once took pity on Bear and did a very nice job of of getting Bear back in cuddle-able condition.)

等到了Windows 95的年代,Bear基本上已经毁得不成样了。(曾有一位程序管理人员的小孩觉得Bear太可怜了,精心将它修补到了可以怀抱着爱抚的程度。)

So Bear was retired from service and replaced with a pink bunny rabbit, named Bunny. We actually had two of them, a small one called “16-bit Bunny” and a big one called “32-bit Bunny”. Two bunnies means twice as many opportunities for theft, of course, and the two bunnies had their own escapades during the Windows 95 project. (When Dave got married, we helped 32-bit Bunny crash the party and sent back pictures of Bunny drunk on wine.)

此后Bear从其岗位上寿终正寝,由一只叫Bunny的粉红兔取而代之。实际上Bunny有两只,小的一只叫“16-bit Bunny”,大的那只叫“32-bit Bunny”。有两只Bunny自然也就意味着被悄悄拿走的机会加倍,而在Windows 95的开发过程中,两只Bunny也遭遇了属于其各自的恶作剧。(比如,Dave结婚的时候,我们就用32-bit Bunny在他的派对上捣乱,还拍了Bunny“喝醉”的照片。)

Dave was primarily responsible for the GUI side of things, so you’ll see the BEAR and BUNNY functions in the DLLs responsible for the GUI. On the kernel side, Mike had a Piglet plush toy (from Winnie the Pooh). So when we needed to name an internal kernel function, we chose PIGLET. Piglet survived the Windows 95 project without a scratch.

Dave主要负责GUI方面的事务,这就是你在GUI相关的DLL中看到Bear和Bunny作为调用名称出现的原因。而在内核部分,Mike有一只小猪长毛玩偶(《维尼熊》里的那只粉红小猪),所以在给内核的内部调用起名字时,PIGLET就上了榜。Piglet在整个Windows 95的开发过程中毫发无伤。


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