TONT 42903 Windows 95在安装了1GB以上内存的机器上无法启动

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Short version


Windows 95 will fail to boot if you have more than around 480MB of memory. (This was considered an insane amount of memory back then. Remember, Windows 95’s target machine was a 4MB 386SX and a powerful machine had 16MB. So according to Moore’s law, that gave us seven years before we had to do something about it. One of my friends got 96MB of memory on his machine to test that we didn’t tank under “insanely huge memory configurations” and we all drooled.)

Windows 95在安装了约480MB以上的内存时将无法启动。(在那个年代,这个内存容量是难以想象的。请记住,Windows 95开发时的目标配置是拥有4MB内存的386SX,比较强力的机器一般有16MB的内存。依据摩尔定律,我们大约需要再过7年才需要对这种设计进行修正。我有一个朋友当时有台机器配置了96MB内存用来跑测试,这个配置甚至不在我们能预想到的『土豪级内存配置』列表下面,可以想象我们当时是如何的羡慕)。

Windows 98 bumped the limit to 1GB because there existed a vendor (who shall remain nameless) who was insane enough to want to sell machines with 1GB of RAM and preinstall Windows 98 instead of the much more suitable Windows NT.

Windows 98将最大内存限制提升到了1GB,因为当时有家供应商(名称保密)足够牛×要销售预装Windows 98的1GB内存配置的机器,而这个配置本应更适合安装Windows NT。

Long version


One of the first things that happens in the Windows 95 boot process once you have transitioned into 32-bit mode is to initialize the 32-bit memory manager. But now you have a chicken-and-egg problem: The memory manager needs to allocate some memory in order to keep track of the memory it is managing. (Keeping track of which pages are paged in and which are paged out, that sort of thing.) But it can’t allocate memory until the memory manager is initialized. Eek!

在Windows 95的引导过程中,有几件事情发生在转入32位模式的最初阶段,其中一间就是初始化32位内存管理器。然而,这里有一个『先有蛋还是先有鸡』的问题:内存管理器需要给自己分配一些内存用以跟踪其正在管理的内存(诸如跟踪哪些内存页page in了,哪些page out了这样的事情),然而当内存管理器还没有初始化时无法分配内存,我的天。

The solution is to initialize the memory manager twice.


The first time the memory manager is initialized, it gets all its memory from a fixed block of memory preallocated in the init-data segment. It sets up this fixed block as the memory manager heap. So now there is a heap available to satisfy memory allocations.


Next, the memory manager starts looking for the real memory in the system, and when it finds some, it allocates memory (from the initial fixed block) to keep track of the real memory.


After the memory manager has found all the real memory in the system, it’s time to initialize the memory manager a second time: It carves out a chunk of that real memory to use as the “real heap” and copies the information from the heap that it has been using so far (the fixed-sized heap) to the “real heap”.


Once everything has been copied and all the pointers fixed up, the global memory manager heap pointers are changed to point at the new (“real”) heap and the original heap is abandoned.


The memory consumed by the original heap is reclaimed when the init-data segment is discarded (which happens at the end of system initialization).


The total RAM limitation occurs because the size of the fixed block in the init-data segment needs to be large enough to satisfy all the memory allocations performed during the memory scan. If you have too much memory, an allocation during the memory scan fails and the system halts.


The size of the init-data segment was chosen to balance two factors. The larger you make it, the more memory you can have in the system before hitting an allocation failure during the memory scan. But you can’t make it too large or machines with small amounts of memory won’t even be able to load VMM into memory.

Init-data段的大小是权衡两种因素后得出的。这个段的尺寸越大,在发生内存扫描(因内存过大而导致分配表不够用)失败前能扫描到的内存就越大,但又不能太大,否则当主机安装的内存小的时候,剩下的内存就不够把虚拟机管理器(译注:VMM,Vitrual Machine Manager,Windows 95的关键组件之一,驱动程序文件名VMM32.VXD,负责进行内存管理、事件管理、中断管理、对其它虚拟设备驱动(VxD)进行加载和初始化,创建新的虚拟机以及进行线程调度,可以说是Windows 9x的地基)加载进来了。


  1. 4MB是最低要求而不是标配,查了一下,相应的CPU最低要求是386DX。微软的建议最低配置是80486+最少8MB内存。


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