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“Why can’t I remove ‘for test/evaluation purposes only’? I know I’m running an evaluation edition, I don’t need it rubbed in my face.”
This prevents unscrupulous OEMs from selling machines with the evaluation edition of the product instead of the retail version. (Yes, this has happened before. Many times.)
The “For test purposes only” tag prevents unscrupulous OEMs from selling machines with uncertified drivers. (Driver-cheating has been a big problem, especially video drivers, since… well… forever. Those of you who are gamers know all about driver cheating.) To install an uncertified driver without a warning prompt, you need to install the test root certificate. The presence of the test root certificate causes the “For test purposes only” tag to appear.
『仅限测试用途』的水印是为了防止无良商家出售包含未经认证驱动的机器。(在驱动程序中作弊一直是个大问题,尤其是对于显卡驱动而言,大体是从… 嗯… 宇宙大爆炸开始。游戏玩家们对此应当很熟悉。)为了能预装未经认证的驱动而不触发警告,厂商需要安装测试根证书,而测试根证书就会让『仅限测试用途』的水印冒出来。
We have also had many cases of corporate customers (and technology reporters!) who have had machines expire because they had forgotten that they were running the evaluation edition. When the machines expire on them, they are stuck with thousands of machines that don’t work. This makes them extremely upset.
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